About the Founder

Diana HC Tan

  • Spiritual Director
  • Supervisor of Spiritual Directors
  • Psychotherapist/Counsellor
  • Retreat and Workshop Facilitator
    • Individually guided silent retreat – one-on-one or group
    • Writing/Journaling workshops – individually or in a group setting
    • Labyrinth walk
  • Lifecoach
  • Mentor

Started by Diana HC Tan, the Center for Life Transitions aims to reach out to people who are in transition and who are looking to become better version of themselves. Transition can be seen in various aspects, for example, from:

  • one phase of life to another, such as babyhood to toddler to teenager to young-middle-old adulthood;
  • one role to another, child to spouse to parenthood, to grandparenting; career-wise from subordinate to manager leading a team of workers, or from worker to retiree;
  • one stepping stone to another, such as primary to secondary school; junior to college to higher learning;
  • change in educational disciplines, or in employment;
  • good health to bad and recovering from bad to good health;
  • unbelief to belief, or vice versa;
  • change in perspectives/viewpoints.

The above are but some examples of where we find transitionary stages. As we live day by day, all peoples go through stages/periods of transitions.


Spiritual Directors International (SDI)
Life Direction Singapore (LDS)
Association of Christian Counsellors Singapore (ACCS)
Veriditas International Association (VIA) Trained Labyrinth Facilitator

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience;
we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Teilhard de Chardin (Jesuit Priest)