The meaning of silence on a silent retreat

As you enter into silence in your retreat, you might be asking yourself what you are leaving behind and what you are beginning.

The answer is quite simple. You are leaving behind the many noises that come from the world you live in, and you are beginning an inner journey in which God will take the lead and will open your eyes so that you can see your deepest truth. This type of journey will allow you to discover the treasure that you are.

The call from God is very gentle, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). If you are not used to silence, it can at first seem intimidating, but once you have entered into it, God will touch you in a healing and loving way.

This experience may be compared to talking with a friend. When something comes up in the conversation that is really significant, you listen more attentively. It is like this on a retreat. The difference is that God is now the friend. So when God brings something into your awareness, you begin to talk with God about it. In doing this, you are learning both about God and yourself at the same time.

So how does this happen? It takes place in silence. It is silence that allows you to hear and talk with God about what God allows you to see. If you were in a noisy environment or were busy doing other things, you would not pay attention to what God is showing you.

By keeping silence you are giving yourself a gift and you are giving the same gift to all the other retreatants. Should you have come here with your spouse or a friend, the best thing you can do for each other is to allow yourselves space and solitude.

Source: excerpted from