The Betwixt and Between Years

Author: Diana HC Tan

Midlife. When does this begin? Is there a chronological age that could be pinned to when midlife begins? Depending on lifespan, age 30 could be midlife for one who is called to eternal home in the 60’s, age 40 for those who live till their 80’s. In reality, most people awaken to the call of midlife when they are in their 50’s and 60’s – a time when they are faced with an empty nest (the children have grown), a time when physical impediments and illnesses tell them they’re “old”.

Midlife is NOT the same as middle-aged.

The betwixt and between years may not be welcomed by those who are not prepared for its onslaught upon their lives. Denying to embrace midlife as a rite of passage in one’s history, these people move to old age as a matter of fact. If lucky, in old age, these people realize that their past can becoming learnings to live more wisely as they head to eternal home. Won’t it better to leave this world in peace and joy than to be wrought with worries such as unforgiveness, unease, and not having lived well?