What Inspire Me

in no particular order of importance or preference.


Yes, I am a cloud-spotter! I love the fluffiness of clouds. I love their formation. I love blue skies! I love colors in the sky.


Rain to me signifies good tidings; blessings from God. I have had blessed experiences when it rains; for example, getting the job when I went for an interview; seeing a beautiful rainbow after the downpour was gone; successful meetings, and many more.


These majestic beauty in nature are a sight to behold. I love driving or walking past an avenue of shady trees. I beamed with pride once when a colleague visiting from London remarked that Singapore has beautiful trees. Yes, we do, and I do wish Singapore does not destroy beautiful acres of natural reserves and replace them with concrete buildings. All districts should have a natural reserve. Let the birds roost and sing!


These include waterfalls, plants, flowers, shrubs and dead leaves. Yes, even dead leaves that make a sound when stepped on. I give praise and thanks to God for all these wonderful natural things that the Divine has created.


I guess my love for learning stems from my love to read. The topics and subjects change in different seasons of my life. My current interests are in spirituality; complementary and energy modalities. Prior to the IT age, it was reading and learning via physical books. These days, I am more likely to read and learn from an e-book. Thanks to the advent of YouTube, Vimeo and other online learning platforms, I am now learning more from watching videos. I am amazed at the number of people who share their knowledge freely, and I thank them.

Check in often. This page is under constant construction
because I am a work-in-progress and life continues to teach and inspire me.