Who Inspire Me

Let’s talk BOOKS.

I am an avid reader and I read fairly widely. Growing up, novels (mostly romance stories) consumed my reading time. During my secondary school days, I would borrow up to 5 books each week from a second-hand book stall. The next weekend, I would be back to borrow another 5. I was lucky; I did not have to help with housework, so I could laze at home, especially when school was out, all day long on a couch to read. What followed after novels were self-help books, then parenting books, then spirituality-related topics. These days, psychology; human development topics; complementary energy and informational topics hold court. Such books, when integrated with spirituality, fascinate me. I am also interested in neuroscience; not the deep research but at least trying to understand the brain and body cells and their workings on a superficial (layman) level.

TEACHERS – the famous and not-so-famous

I can never name ALL who have inspired me. Among those who have inspired me are authors, speakers, and the following; no doubt I will add more in the future.


Paul is not the person who discovered the practice of Bio-Touch™ per se, but he started The International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM)  to share Bio-Touch to the world.

Bio-Touch™ traces its roots to Norman Cochran, a mining engineer. To read how it all began for Paul Bucky, click here.

I wondered if Bio-Touch™ found me, or I found Bio-Touch™. Somehow I stumbled upon it one day while googling; I cannot remember what I was googling then, but Bio-Touch™ came into my radar. Years ago, I was trained in Jin Shin Jyutsu® (JSJ for short), an ancient art of harmonizing the life energy in the body; some practitioners described JSJ as “acupuncture without needles. When I read about Bio-Touch™, I thought: oh, they seem similar. As a lifelong learner, I jumped into a new adventure to learn Bio-Touch™ via distance learning.

Bio-Touch™ is so easy to do, but what resonated with me is how Paul puts it: Love thy neighbor. I also like Paul’s view that that Bio-Touch is “love in application“.

“Reach out and touch
Somebody’s hand
Make this world a better place
If you can …”

“Somebody’s Hand”, a song by Diana Ross.

As I get to know my teachers more, namely, Paul and Bev Wood, I found them so unassuming, humble and easy-going. They will readily admit that they do not have answers as to why Bio-Touch™ works. There is no fuss; no should’s and don’ts. Paul and Bev are always advocating “just touch”. Research has been done, and is ongoing, to investigate the benefits of human touch to encourage a state of well-being.

As with Gary Craig (see below), Paul has been very generous to share freely the Touch Points and Sets of Bio-Touch™. The Bio-Touch eBook, membership and courses are very affordable.

The first step in every Bio-Touch sequences is “The Greeting”. Here, the Associate (the one who is rendering the touch), uses the first two fingers of their dominant hand to touch two points on a Recipient’s body, and this initial step is said to establish a harmony between the Associate and the Recipient.

Read more about Bio-Touch™ here.


Gary Craig is the founder of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), an alternative therapy that involves tapping on specific points of the body to address emotional issues.

Neither a psychologist nor a licensed therapist, Craig is a Stanford-trained engineer and personal performance coach who studied Thought Field Therapy (TFT) with Dr. Roger Callahan. Craig streamlined TFT into EFT, which he calls “psychological acupressure” because it uses points along the body’s energy meridians. Craig’s theory is that tapping these points restores the body’s energy balance, which can help reduce physical and emotional pain.

In 2011, Craig began referring to EFT Tapping as Gold Standard EFT to distinguish it from the many other forms of EFT that have proliferated since its inception. Then, in 2014, Craig introduced Optimal EFT™, a new advancement of EFT that is a meditative process and spiritual in nature. Gold Standard EFT and Optimal EFT are the two forms of EFT developed by Gary Craig, and together, they are now known as Official EFT™.

Personally, I am impressed by Craig’s generosity to share much of Official EFT™, most of which are free, on his website.

In the words of one of Craig’s longstanding student and a professional doctor, Gabrielle Rutten, M.D.,

Gary is not burdened by older beliefs from medical dogma and thus, in true engineer fashion, throws everything out and starts over with the essential parts that truly work.


Health is a life lived intentionally, morally, with acceptance of what is, with compassion, with personal meaning and connection to other people, and thoughtful attention to one’s body-mind-spirit, as well as to one’s community and the world.

Dr Ofer Zur | Teacher, Writer and Psychotherapist

Read about the life of Dr Ofer Zur here.

I am inspired by what I read about Dr Ofer Zur. I resonate with what he stands for in psychotherapy practice – helping people love, heal and live more creatively and meaningfully; and emphasizing the importance of integrating body, mind and soul in the process of healing.


Bruce Lipon is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit. He has been a guest speaker on dozens of TV and radio shows as well as keynote presenter for national conferences.

In the Epilogue of his book, “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles“, he wrote:

Now that we’re at the end of the book, I’d like to explain how my study of cells turned me into a spiritual person*. I also want to explain why I am optimistic about the fate of our planet, though I conceded that optimism is sometimes hard to maintain if you read the daily newspaper.

*Note: Bruce Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. His life-changing moment occurred when he “suddenly realized that a cell’s life is controlled by the physical and energetic environment and not by its genes.” (in the Prologue of his book). Further on, he wrote:

I was exhilarated by the new realization that I could change the character of my life by changing my beliefs. I was instantly energized because I realized that there was a science-based path that would take me from my job as a perennial “victim” to my new position as “co-creator” of my destiny.

Co-creator … hmmm… sounds interesting to me. Lipton’s discovery seems aligned to the new science that is telling us that our body tells a story; that our body (cells) remember. In Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), we know that thoughts, feelings and behavior affect each other and that negative thought patterns could be ingrained in our unconscious mind. According to Lipton, the mind is not just an organ. Through the experiments of Candace Pert, a neuroscientist, it was found that the “mind” was not focused in the head but was distributed via signal molecules to the whole body (Chapter 5 in Lipton’s book). It appears, therefore, that change is possible if we attend to those old patterns of thoughts and behavior, ingrained in our body cells that are not serving us. There is hope that we do not have to live by the axiom, “I was born like that; therefore change is impossible.” Lipton believes that “the best growth promoter is love.” (Chapter 7 Conscious Parenting).

Accolades (excerpts) for Bruce Lipton’s work (found in The Biology of Belief)

Dr Lipton’s revolutionary research has uncovered the missing connections between biology, psychology, and spirituality.

Dennis Perman, D.C., The Master’s Circle

[Bruce Lipton] is both a scientist and a philosopher: a scientist in that he provides us with tools to alter cultural consciousness and a philosopher because he challenges our beliefs about the very nature of our perceived reality.

Guy F. Riekeman, D.C., President, Life University and College of Chiropractic

Check in often. This page is under constant construction
because I am continually reading and learning.